Жаппай сатылым

"Индокитай" Алты қырлы жұпар иіс 20 дана Сәттілік. Жасыл шай

0 пікірлер
Индокитай Алты қырлы жұпар иіс 20 дана Сәттілік. Жасыл шай Фотосурет 1.

*Фотосуреттегі түс шамалы өзгеше болуы мүмкін



Используется для амортизации помещений. 100% растительное сырье, аромат Зеленый чай. Произведено по индийским технологиям


Шығару елі
Ресей Федерациясы


Бумадағы саны
Хош иістердің түрі
Өнім түрі
Жұпар иіс
Хош иіс
жасыл шай
Главная Каталог Чат Корзина0 Профиль
DEBUG enable
Num SQL queries:77
Num fetched rows:260
including array rows:1
Time of script run:0.072221994400024
Time of SQL queries:0.05888843536377
Timers out:
Счетчик "Подгототовка страницы", время выполнения - 0.0018с
Счетчик "ModIshopGood Good statistic", время выполнения - 0с
Счетчик "ModIshopGood bread", время выполнения - 0.0009с
Счетчик "ModIshopGood photos", время выполнения - 0.0015с
Счетчик "ModIshopGood main data", время выполнения - 0.0145с
Счетчик "ModIshopGood params", время выполнения - 0.0009с
Счетчик "ModIshopGood Nalichie", время выполнения - 0.0403с
Счетчик "ModIshopGood mklass", время выполнения - 0.0001с
Счетчик "Start GetDeliveryList", время выполнения - 0с
Счетчик "Get DeliveryList from cache", время выполнения - 0.0001с
Счетчик "DeliveryList transforms", время выполнения - 0с
Счетчик "ModIshopGood delivery", время выполнения - 0с
Счетчик "Module=ishop", время выполнения - 0.0607с
Счетчик "Block=stat", время выполнения - 0с
Счетчик "Block=cssstylescard", время выполнения - 0с
Счетчик "Block=headcardjs", время выполнения - 0с
Счетчик "Block=header", время выполнения - 0.0001с
Счетчик "Block=catalogtree", время выполнения - 0.0006с
Счетчик "Block=retailrocketblocks", время выполнения - 0.0001с
Счетчик "Block=footer", время выполнения - 0.0002с
Счетчик "Block=appdownload", время выполнения - 0.0001с
Счетчик "Block=footercardjs", время выполнения - 0.0001с
Счетчик "Block=ganalitics", время выполнения - 0.0001с
Счетчик "Block=metrika", время выполнения - 0.0001с
Счетчик "Block=jivosite", время выполнения - 0.0001с
Счетчик "Block=statmailru", время выполнения - 0.0001с

SELECT new_link FROM leo_redirect WHERE old_link = "/ishop/good_64533094634/" AND active = 1 # Num rows 0Run time:Time of run:0.00024294853210449

SELECT id_city FROM leo_city_preffered WHERE city='Astana' ORDER BY `lock` DESC,countEnt DESC LIMIT 1; # Num rows -1Run time:Time of run:0.00015497207641602

SELECT id_city,path,name,ishop_id,ishop_name,kladr_id,country_id,utc,largest_dep_id,final_sale FROM leo_city WHERE path='astana'; # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.0002129077911377

SELECT index_id,title,domen FROM leonardo_kz_ru.leo_index WHERE parent_index_id=0 AND alias LIKE 'ishop' LIMIT 1; # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00019693374633789

SELECT index_id,title,domen FROM leonardo_kz_ru.leo_index WHERE parent_index_id=2 AND alias LIKE 'good_64533094634' LIMIT 1; # Num rows 0Run time:Time of run:0.00014996528625488

SELECT IFNULL(NULLIF(lil.title,""), li.title) as title,li.template_id,li.content,li.domen,li.index_id FROM leonardo_kz_ru.leo_index AS li LEFT JOIN leonardo_kz_ru.leo_index_lang AS lil ON li.index_id=lil.index_id AND lil.lang="kz" WHERE li.index_id=2; # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00024795532226562

SELECT html FROM leonardo_kz_ru.leo_template WHERE template_id=22 # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00017404556274414

SELECT metatag FROM leonardo_kz_ru.leo_index WHERE index_id = 2 # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00014996528625488

SELECT personaldata FROM leo_clients_unregistered WHERE client_id = -1 # Num rows 0Run time:Time of run:0.00017905235290527

UPDATE leo_clients_unregistered SET personaldata = '{"exp2":"expS0"}' WHERE client_id = -1 # Num rows 0Run time:Time of run:0.00019311904907227

SELECT client_id FROM leo_clients_unregistered WHERE register_code='ce7074627d2b60ce474ef82ecdbd2f60b758eeab' # Num rows 0Run time:Time of run:0.00085306167602539

INSERT INTO leo_clients_unregistered (register_code,last_login) VALUES ('ce7074627d2b60ce474ef82ecdbd2f60b758eeab',1732186860) # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00031900405883789

SELECT client_id FROM leo_clients_unregistered WHERE register_code='ce7074627d2b60ce474ef82ecdbd2f60b758eeab' # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00020408630371094

SELECT t2.id_detail,t2.id_good,CONCAT_WS(' ',t4.f_tree_fullname,t1.goodname,t2.detailname) AS f1,CONCAT_WS('\n\n',t1.gooddescr,t6.detaildescr) AS f2, 0 AS none ,t1.id_tree,t1.dimension,t1.price, NULL, t1.f_tree_id FROM leonardo_kz.leo_details AS t2 LEFT JOIN leonardo_kz.leo_goods AS t1 ON t2.id_good=t1.id_good LEFT JOIN leonardo_kz.leo_tistree AS t4 ON t4.f_tree_id=t1.f_tree_id LEFT JOIN leo_detail_desc AS t6 ON t2.id_detail=t6.id_detail WHERE t2.id_detail=64533094634 ORDER BY f1; # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.0003359317779541

SELECT t1.id_tree,IFNULL(NULLIF(lt1.treename,""),t1.treename) as treename, t2.id_tree,IFNULL(NULLIF(lt2.treename,""),t2.treename) as treename, t3.id_tree,IFNULL(NULLIF(lt3.treename,""),t3.treename) as treename, t4.id_tree,IFNULL(NULLIF(lt4.treename,""),t4.treename) as treename, t5.id_tree,IFNULL(NULLIF(lt5.treename,""),t5.treename) as treename FROM leo_tree_goods AS tn LEFT JOIN leo_tree AS t1 ON tn.id_tree=t1.id_tree LEFT JOIN leo_tree AS t2 ON t1.shop_tree_id=t2.id_tree LEFT JOIN leo_tree AS t3 ON t2.shop_tree_id=t3.id_tree LEFT JOIN leo_tree AS t4 ON t3.shop_tree_id=t4.id_tree LEFT JOIN leo_tree AS t5 ON t4.shop_tree_id=t5.id_tree LEFT JOIN leo_tree_lang AS lt1 ON t1.id_tree=lt1.id_tree AND lt1.lang = "kz" LEFT JOIN leo_tree_lang AS lt2 ON t2.id_tree=lt2.id_tree AND lt2.lang = "kz" LEFT JOIN leo_tree_lang AS lt3 ON t3.id_tree=lt3.id_tree AND lt3.lang = "kz" LEFT JOIN leo_tree_lang AS lt4 ON t1.id_tree=lt4.id_tree AND lt4.lang = "kz" LEFT JOIN leo_tree_lang AS lt5 ON t1.id_tree=lt5.id_tree AND lt5.lang = "kz" WHERE tn.id_good=64532606144 # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00054097175598145

SELECT t1.id,t1.discount_id,t1.discount_value,t1.discountprice_value,t1.discount_from,t1.discountcode,t1.discount_start,t2.discount_description,t2.discount_type FROM leo_clients_discounts_unregistered AS t1 LEFT JOIN leo_discounts AS t2 ON t1.discount_id=t2.discount_id WHERE t1.client_id=556190014 AND t1.discount_start<NOW() AND t1.discount_end>NOW(); # Num rows 0Run time:Time of run:0.00032806396484375

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=64533094634 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00033187866210938

SELECT FileName FROM images.goods_photo WHERE GoodId=64532606144 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 0Run time:Time of run:0.00023007392883301

SELECT videolink,preview FROM images.goods_video WHERE GoodId=64532606144 AND (DetailId=0 OR DetailId=64533094634) # Num rows 0Run time:Time of run:0.00019621849060059

SELECT * FROM leo_goods_params AS t1,leo_actions AS t2 WHERE t1.id_good=64532606144 AND t1.id_param=-5 AND t1.value=t2.tisname AND t2.typeid > 0 AND t2.visible = 1 AND startaction<NOW() AND endaction>NOW() AND (t2.region=0 || t2.region=3) # Num rows 0Run time:Time of run:0.00031614303588867

SELECT count(*) FROM `leo_details` AS t1, leo_goods_params AS t2 WHERE t1.`id_good`=t2.id_good AND t1.`id_detail` = 64533094634 AND t2.id_param=72250129794 # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00031208992004395

SELECT t2.id_detail,t2.detailname,t2.colorcode, t3.goodname FROM leonardo_kz.leo_details AS t2 LEFT JOIN leonardo_kz.leo_goods AS t3 ON t2.id_good=t3.id_good WHERE t2.id_good=64532606144 GROUP BY t2.id_detail ORDER BY t2.detailname ASC # Num rows 22Run time:Time of run:0.00032901763916016

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=64533234654 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00023913383483887

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=64533234654 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.0002439022064209

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=64533166164 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00025010108947754

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=64533166164 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00024509429931641

SELECT card FROM leonardo_kz_test.leo_goods_cards_kz WHERE cardid='d64533166164' # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00018596649169922

SELECT id_city, dep_id FROM leo_shops WHERE work = 1 # Num rows 143Run time:Time of run:0.00051188468933105

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=64533210084 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00029802322387695

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=64533210084 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00026106834411621

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=64533215944 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00020599365234375

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=64533215944 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00026702880859375

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=64533157384 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00022196769714355

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=64533157384 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00022602081298828

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=64533221344 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00024199485778809

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=64533221344 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00023412704467773

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=64533204584 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00020623207092285

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=64533204584 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00035309791564941

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=64533129544 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00027608871459961

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=64533129544 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00022506713867188

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=64533161384 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00028896331787109

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=64533161384 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.0002129077911377

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=117604798494 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00020003318786621

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=117604798494 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.0002138614654541

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=64533196704 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00025606155395508

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=64533196704 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00023293495178223

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=117604984804 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00025486946105957

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=117604984804 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00025105476379395

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=64533094634 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00033211708068848

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=64533094634 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00024914741516113

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=64533191224 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00024104118347168

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=64533191224 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00021481513977051

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=64533162824 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.0002601146697998

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=64533162824 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00026416778564453

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=64533186264 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00024294853210449

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=64533186264 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00021791458129883

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=117604291754 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00027799606323242

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=117604291754 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00028395652770996

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=64533147184 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00024509429931641

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=64533147184 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00022602081298828

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=64533172624 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00020194053649902

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=64533172624 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00021505355834961

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=64533154694 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00025510787963867

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=64533154694 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00020384788513184

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=64533229294 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00023198127746582

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=64533229294 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00020194053649902

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=64532928534 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00020813941955566

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=64532928534 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00020313262939453

SELECT t2.name,t1.value,t1.id_param FROM leonardo_kz.leo_goods_params AS t1 LEFT JOIN leonardo_kz.params AS t2 ON t1.id_param=t2.id_param WHERE t1.id_good=64532606144 AND t1.id_param!=-5 ORDER BY t2.name,t1.value; # Num rows 7Run time:Time of run:0.00027298927307129

SELECT t2.name,t1.value, t1.id_param FROM leonardo_kz.leo_details_params AS t1 LEFT JOIN leonardo_kz.paramsd AS t2 ON t1.id_param=t2.id_param WHERE t1.id_detail=64533094634 ORDER BY t2.name,t1.value; # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00021505355834961

SELECT t2.filename, t2.id_purpose, t2.id_good, t2.id_detail, t2.filetype FROM images.goodfiles AS t2 WHERE (id_good = 64532606144 OR id_detail = 64533094634) AND t2.filename LIKE "%.pdf%" ORDER BY t2.filename # Num rows 0Run time:Time of run:0.00024008750915527

SELECT * FROM images.good_links WHERE id_good=64532606144 # Num rows 0Run time:Time of run:0.00016093254089355

SELECT * FROM images.good_links WHERE id_good=64532606144 # Num rows 0Run time:Time of run:0.00011992454528809

SELECT * FROM images.goodlinks WHERE id_goodlink = 64532606144 OR id_good=64532606144 # Num rows 0Run time:Time of run:0.039558887481689

SELECT * FROM images.goodlinks WHERE id_good=64532606144 # Num rows 0Run time:Time of run:0.00020694732666016

SELECT html FROM leonardo_kz_ru.leo_template WHERE template_id=21 # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00019383430480957

SELECT new_link FROM leo_canonical WHERE old_link = "/ishop/good_64533094634/" AND active = 1 # Num rows 0Run time:Time of run:0.00017285346984863