Жаппай сатылым

"ILIKEGIFT" Ерлер шұлығы 16009 Тынығудан кейін тынығамын, ақ ? 40-45

0 пікірлер
ILIKEGIFT Ерлер шұлығы 16009 Тынығудан кейін тынығамын, ақ ? 40-45 Фотосурет 1.
ILIKEGIFT Ерлер шұлығы 16009 Тынығудан кейін тынығамын, ақ ? 40-45 Фотосурет 2.
ILIKEGIFT Ерлер шұлығы 16009 Тынығудан кейін тынығамын, ақ ? 40-45 Фотосурет 1. ILIKEGIFT Ерлер шұлығы 16009 Тынығудан кейін тынығамын, ақ ? 40-45 Фото 2.

*Фотосуреттегі түс шамалы өзгеше болуы мүмкін




Шығару елі


мақта, синтетикалық жіптер
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Главная Каталог Чат Корзина0 Профиль
DEBUG enable
Num SQL queries:61
Num fetched rows:111
including array rows:1
Time of script run:0.086534023284912
Time of SQL queries:0.073890209197998
Timers out:
Счетчик "Подгототовка страницы", время выполнения - 0.0064с
Счетчик "ModIshopGood Good statistic", время выполнения - 0с
Счетчик "ModIshopGood bread", время выполнения - 0.0009с
Счетчик "ModIshopGood photos", время выполнения - 0.0016с
Счетчик "ModIshopGood main data", время выполнения - 0.0175с
Счетчик "ModIshopGood params", время выполнения - 0.001с
Счетчик "ModIshopGood Nalichie", время выполнения - 0.0443с
Счетчик "ModIshopGood mklass", время выполнения - 0.0001с
Счетчик "Start GetDeliveryList", время выполнения - 0с
Счетчик "Get DeliveryList from cache", время выполнения - 0.0002с
Счетчик "DeliveryList transforms", время выполнения - 0с
Счетчик "ModIshopGood delivery", время выполнения - 0с
Счетчик "Module=ishop", время выполнения - 0.0702с
Счетчик "Block=stat", время выполнения - 0.0001с
Счетчик "Block=cssstylescard", время выполнения - 0с
Счетчик "Block=headcardjs", время выполнения - 0с
Счетчик "Block=header", время выполнения - 0.0001с
Счетчик "Block=catalogtree", время выполнения - 0.0006с
Счетчик "Block=retailrocketblocks", время выполнения - 0.0001с
Счетчик "Block=footer", время выполнения - 0.0002с
Счетчик "Block=appdownload", время выполнения - 0.0001с
Счетчик "Block=footercardjs", время выполнения - 0.0001с
Счетчик "Block=ganalitics", время выполнения - 0.0001с
Счетчик "Block=metrika", время выполнения - 0.0001с
Счетчик "Block=jivosite", время выполнения - 0.0001с
Счетчик "Block=statmailru", время выполнения - 0.0001с

SELECT new_link FROM leo_redirect WHERE old_link = "/ishop/good_135788049564/" AND active = 1 # Num rows 0Run time:Time of run:0.00046300888061523

SELECT id_city FROM leo_city_preffered WHERE city='Astana' ORDER BY `lock` DESC,countEnt DESC LIMIT 1; # Num rows -1Run time:Time of run:0.0007789134979248

SELECT id_city,path,name,ishop_id,ishop_name,kladr_id,country_id,utc,largest_dep_id,final_sale FROM leo_city WHERE path='astana'; # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00025296211242676

SELECT index_id,title,domen FROM leonardo_kz_ru.leo_index WHERE parent_index_id=0 AND alias LIKE 'ishop' LIMIT 1; # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00066494941711426

SELECT index_id,title,domen FROM leonardo_kz_ru.leo_index WHERE parent_index_id=2 AND alias LIKE 'good_135788049564' LIMIT 1; # Num rows 0Run time:Time of run:0.00086593627929688

SELECT IFNULL(NULLIF(lil.title,""), li.title) as title,li.template_id,li.content,li.domen,li.index_id FROM leonardo_kz_ru.leo_index AS li LEFT JOIN leonardo_kz_ru.leo_index_lang AS lil ON li.index_id=lil.index_id AND lil.lang="kz" WHERE li.index_id=2; # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00064492225646973

SELECT html FROM leonardo_kz_ru.leo_template WHERE template_id=22 # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00026297569274902

SELECT metatag FROM leonardo_kz_ru.leo_index WHERE index_id = 2 # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.0021798610687256

SELECT personaldata FROM leo_clients_unregistered WHERE client_id = -1 # Num rows 0Run time:Time of run:0.00026202201843262

UPDATE leo_clients_unregistered SET personaldata = '{"exp2":"expS0"}' WHERE client_id = -1 # Num rows 0Run time:Time of run:0.00056815147399902

SELECT client_id FROM leo_clients_unregistered WHERE register_code='83649fc4988fc7aa6e6b008e3b0cb3ebbcb4c1c1' # Num rows 0Run time:Time of run:0.0024220943450928

INSERT INTO leo_clients_unregistered (register_code,last_login) VALUES ('83649fc4988fc7aa6e6b008e3b0cb3ebbcb4c1c1',1727576445) # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00061297416687012

SELECT client_id FROM leo_clients_unregistered WHERE register_code='83649fc4988fc7aa6e6b008e3b0cb3ebbcb4c1c1' # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00020384788513184

SELECT t2.id_detail,t2.id_good,CONCAT_WS(' ',t4.f_tree_fullname,t1.goodname,t2.detailname) AS f1,CONCAT_WS('\n\n',t1.gooddescr,t6.detaildescr) AS f2, 0 AS none ,t1.id_tree,t1.dimension,t1.price, NULL, t1.f_tree_id FROM leonardo_kz.leo_details AS t2 LEFT JOIN leonardo_kz.leo_goods AS t1 ON t2.id_good=t1.id_good LEFT JOIN leonardo_kz.leo_tistree AS t4 ON t4.f_tree_id=t1.f_tree_id LEFT JOIN leo_detail_desc AS t6 ON t2.id_detail=t6.id_detail WHERE t2.id_detail=135788049564 ORDER BY f1; # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00034713745117188

SELECT t1.id_tree,IFNULL(NULLIF(lt1.treename,""),t1.treename) as treename, t2.id_tree,IFNULL(NULLIF(lt2.treename,""),t2.treename) as treename, t3.id_tree,IFNULL(NULLIF(lt3.treename,""),t3.treename) as treename, t4.id_tree,IFNULL(NULLIF(lt4.treename,""),t4.treename) as treename, t5.id_tree,IFNULL(NULLIF(lt5.treename,""),t5.treename) as treename FROM leo_tree_goods AS tn LEFT JOIN leo_tree AS t1 ON tn.id_tree=t1.id_tree LEFT JOIN leo_tree AS t2 ON t1.shop_tree_id=t2.id_tree LEFT JOIN leo_tree AS t3 ON t2.shop_tree_id=t3.id_tree LEFT JOIN leo_tree AS t4 ON t3.shop_tree_id=t4.id_tree LEFT JOIN leo_tree AS t5 ON t4.shop_tree_id=t5.id_tree LEFT JOIN leo_tree_lang AS lt1 ON t1.id_tree=lt1.id_tree AND lt1.lang = "kz" LEFT JOIN leo_tree_lang AS lt2 ON t2.id_tree=lt2.id_tree AND lt2.lang = "kz" LEFT JOIN leo_tree_lang AS lt3 ON t3.id_tree=lt3.id_tree AND lt3.lang = "kz" LEFT JOIN leo_tree_lang AS lt4 ON t1.id_tree=lt4.id_tree AND lt4.lang = "kz" LEFT JOIN leo_tree_lang AS lt5 ON t1.id_tree=lt5.id_tree AND lt5.lang = "kz" WHERE tn.id_good=109695592154 # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.0004889965057373

SELECT t1.id,t1.discount_id,t1.discount_value,t1.discountprice_value,t1.discount_from,t1.discountcode,t1.discount_start,t2.discount_description,t2.discount_type FROM leo_clients_discounts_unregistered AS t1 LEFT JOIN leo_discounts AS t2 ON t1.discount_id=t2.discount_id WHERE t1.client_id=553464065 AND t1.discount_start<NOW() AND t1.discount_end>NOW(); # Num rows 0Run time:Time of run:0.0002589225769043

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=135788049564 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00031518936157227

SELECT FileName FROM images.goods_photo WHERE GoodId=109695592154 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 0Run time:Time of run:0.00040316581726074

SELECT videolink,preview FROM images.goods_video WHERE GoodId=109695592154 AND (DetailId=0 OR DetailId=135788049564) # Num rows 0Run time:Time of run:0.00022506713867188

SELECT * FROM leo_goods_params AS t1,leo_actions AS t2 WHERE t1.id_good=109695592154 AND t1.id_param=-5 AND t1.value=t2.tisname AND t2.typeid > 0 AND t2.visible = 1 AND startaction<NOW() AND endaction>NOW() AND (t2.region=0 || t2.region=3) # Num rows 0Run time:Time of run:0.0018479824066162

SELECT count(*) FROM `leo_details` AS t1, leo_goods_params AS t2 WHERE t1.`id_good`=t2.id_good AND t1.`id_detail` = 135788049564 AND t2.id_param=72250129794 # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00033116340637207

SELECT t2.id_detail,t2.detailname,t2.colorcode, t3.goodname FROM leonardo_kz.leo_details AS t2 LEFT JOIN leonardo_kz.leo_goods AS t3 ON t2.id_good=t3.id_good WHERE t2.id_good=109695592154 GROUP BY t2.id_detail ORDER BY t2.detailname ASC # Num rows 15Run time:Time of run:0.00033998489379883

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=132813145024 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00027585029602051

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=132813145024 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00025296211242676

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=135788146414 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00038790702819824

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=135788146414 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00026202201843262

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=135788631614 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00043892860412598

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=135788631614 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00035595893859863

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=109695592164 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.0013470649719238

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=109695592164 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.0004889965057373

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=135787639214 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.0030322074890137

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=135787639214 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00033378601074219

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=135787871174 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00036811828613281

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=135787871174 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00032496452331543

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=135788049564 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00045895576477051

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=135788049564 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00033807754516602

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=135788131724 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00033092498779297

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=135788131724 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00026106834411621

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=109695595844 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00023198127746582

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=109695595844 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00028300285339355

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=128998542714 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00040197372436523

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=128998542714 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00045990943908691

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=135787662594 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00030899047851562

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=135787662594 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00031900405883789

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=135788503284 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00026893615722656

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=135788503284 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00025105476379395

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=131336610184 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 6Run time:Time of run:0.00028300285339355

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=131336610184 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 6Run time:Time of run:0.0002899169921875

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=131336386384 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 5Run time:Time of run:0.00038504600524902

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=131336386384 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 5Run time:Time of run:0.0002739429473877

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=132812975604 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00023603439331055

SELECT t2.FileName FROM images.detail_photo AS t2 WHERE DetailId=132812975604 AND PhotoQualityId<3 ORDER BY GoodPriority DESC,TreePriority DESC,FileName ASC # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.0003659725189209

SELECT t2.name,t1.value,t1.id_param FROM leonardo_kz.leo_goods_params AS t1 LEFT JOIN leonardo_kz.params AS t2 ON t1.id_param=t2.id_param WHERE t1.id_good=109695592154 AND t1.id_param!=-5 ORDER BY t2.name,t1.value; # Num rows 11Run time:Time of run:0.00044894218444824

SELECT t2.name,t1.value, t1.id_param FROM leonardo_kz.leo_details_params AS t1 LEFT JOIN leonardo_kz.paramsd AS t2 ON t1.id_param=t2.id_param WHERE t1.id_detail=135788049564 ORDER BY t2.name,t1.value; # Num rows 2Run time:Time of run:0.00042200088500977

SELECT * FROM images.good_links WHERE id_good=109695592154 # Num rows 0Run time:Time of run:0.00018501281738281

SELECT * FROM images.good_links WHERE id_good=109695592154 # Num rows 0Run time:Time of run:0.00015592575073242

SELECT * FROM images.goodlinks WHERE id_goodlink = 109695592154 OR id_good=109695592154 # Num rows 0Run time:Time of run:0.042251110076904

SELECT * FROM images.goodlinks WHERE id_good=109695592154 # Num rows 0Run time:Time of run:0.00041484832763672

SELECT leo_mclasses.* FROM leo_mclasses,leo_mclasses_goods,leo_details WHERE visible=1 AND leo_mclasses.id=leo_mclasses_goods.id_mclasses AND (leo_mclasses_goods.id_detail=135788049564 OR leo_mclasses_goods.id_good=leo_details.id_good) AND leo_details.id_detail=135788049564 GROUP BY leo_mclasses.id ORDER BY leo_mclasses.id DESC LIMIT 5; # Num rows 0Run time:Time of run:0.0010368824005127

SELECT html FROM leonardo_kz_ru.leo_template WHERE template_id=21 # Num rows 1Run time:Time of run:0.00024986267089844

SELECT new_link FROM leo_canonical WHERE old_link = "/ishop/good_135788049564/" AND active = 1 # Num rows 0Run time:Time of run:0.00023698806762695